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The combination of shampoo and salt can help reduce the appearance of oily scalp

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The combination of shampoo and salt can help reduce the appearance of oily scalp

The power of table salt is amazing. Salt and skin Applying it on the hair will have good results. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your shampoo.

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Salt strengthens hair. For those who are suffering from hair loss, shampooing with salt is also effective. Hair treatment with salt can make hair grow faster and stronger. If you want to grow your hair faster using salt, wash your hair regularly. Massage with salt (1 tablespoon) for 10 minutes. Then wash your hair again. If you do this twice a week, you will get amazing results within a month.

The scalp is nothing but itchy scalp. Salt is the answer. Salt stimulates blood circulation and keeps the scalp healthy. Divide the hair in half and apply a pinch of salt on the scalp. Then massage the scalp with wet hands for 10-15 minutes. Finally, wash your hair the way you do. This will keep your scalp healthy.


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Oily scalp makes hair oily for a while. Use salt to solve this problem. Add salt (2 tablespoons) to your shampoo. Only wash your hair with this salt-based shampoo. The first time you use it, you will get noticeable results. This will reduce your oily scalp.