A handsome prince with a full sense of humanity

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Tears well up in the eyes of the parents of those who lost their lives in the massacre

Given the current situation in Burma since February 1, I think we all know that the people are doing their best and working peacefully. The mass movement has been going on for about a month now, and the people have not given up and continue to work hard.

Many artists are involved in the fast-moving mass movement, and one of them is participating every day. Fans will be able to see that Frontline is doing its best to protect the people from Frontline during the mass movement and that they are bravely participating.


The mass movement is facing many obstacles and many people have lost their lives. For those who lost their lives, Poi Tagon wrote on his Facebook page, “Every time I see a video of the parents of the bereaved sisters crying, I am in tears and I am trying for the lives of those who have lost their lives.”