HarmonyOS smartphones will be available in 2023

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An interesting piece of news is coming out with the announcement of the new HarmonyOS update at Huawei’s annual HDC. According to Richard Yu, Huawei’s CEO, Huawei will launch HarmonyOS-enabled smartphones in 2023.

The new HarmonyOS will stream from smart TVs to smartwatches and tablets. It is designed to be used in a variety of smart devices up to smartphones. Introduced last year, HarmonyOS was first used on Honor Vision smart TVs. The new HarmonyOS 2.0 SDK is available for smart TVs, Can be used on smart watches and car head units.Gizmochina reports that the first HarmonyOS beta release for smartphones will be available to developers next December. Huawei’s own new HarmonyOS is aimed at smart devices.

In the smartphone OS market, Samsung’s Tizen; Amazon’s FireOS; Microsoft’s Windows Phone and Canonical’s Ubuntu were invincible, dominated by Google and Apple. Google’s Android system was used by 85.4% of smartphones released last year, and Apple iOS for 14.6% of all smartphones, according to a report by IDC Research.In May last year, Huawei was excluded from using Google Mobile Services due to US government restrictions. In August, the US government stopped issuing a new TGL interim general license, making it impossible to get Googel suport and updates on older Huawei products.


Huawei will provide HarmonyOS as open source, giving third parties and developers the freedom to see how the OS works. The code for small IoT devices is limited to 128MB of RAM, and the code will be distributed free of charge for large devices in April next year.